About EANP - Foundation

The European Association of National Productivity Centres was established in 1966 as a successor body to the European Productivity Agency.

Its purpose is "to facilitate and increase exchanges of information and experiences, and arrange co-operation among participating bodies". Its seat is in Brussels.

The officials of the EANPC are the President Mr. Peter Rehnström (peter.rehnstrom@tsr.fi), managing director of the Finnish Work Envieronment Fund and Honorary Secretary General, Dr. Sim Moors, Acting Director General of the Belgian member institute NOVA/INRCT (sim.moors@nova.inrct.be).

Membership in the Association is open to all ‘national productivity centres’ or institutions deemed their equivalent within the member states of the ‘United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’.

Peter Rehnström

Dr. Sim Moors
Secretary General
Dr. Sim Moors