European Association of National Productivity Centres
Marc De Greef,
Secretary General
c/o Prevent
Rue Gachard 88
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 643 44 51
Fax +32 2 643 44 50

Welcome to the EANPC website

The EANPC's purpose is to increase exchanges of information and facilitate co-operation among representative national organisations whose task is to foster enhanced holistic productivity and 'decent' jobs through labour-management co-operation. more about us


Economic Dimension of Occupational Safety and Health, ECOSH

The impact of OSH and OSH interventions on company performance workshop will be held in Helsinki on 23. And 24.1.2009. The workshop is the ... more

EANPC Board meeting to be held in Ankara together with Euroductivity Meeting in October 2008

The EANPC Board meeting will be held at the Bilkent Hotel in Ankara on 16 and 17 October together with the Euroductivity closing meeting. ... more

EANPC seminar "Market demands and the role of labour in the 21st century” - Presentation Downloads available

The EANPC seminar "Market demands and the role of labour in the 21st century” and board meeting was held in Hamburg, Germany, ... more

15th World Productivity Congress in South Africa 2008

The 15th World Productivity Congress will be assembled at Sun City, South Africa, September 21-24, 2008. The World Productivity Congress will be hosted ... more

Documentation from EPC2007 in Zilina , October 2007

Talks from the 2007 EPC conference at Zilina are now available as PDF downloads. ... more

EPC 2007
EPC 2006

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