12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister
Gert-Jan Koopman, Director, European Commission
Sari Baldauf, M.Sc.(econ)
Erkki Liikanen, Governor, Bank of Finland
Peter Rehnström, President, EANPC
2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Labour market organisations as developers of productivity in Europe
Thérèse de Liederkerke, Secretary General, UNICE
Maria Helene André, Director, Social Affairs, ETUC
Leif Fagernäs,
Director General, EK, The Confederation of Finnish Industries
Lauri Ihalainen, President, SAK, The Central Organisation of Finnish
Trade Unions |
2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The activation of new tools to solve an old problem: absenteeism and productivity
Julien Pelletier, International Prospective and Project development Manager, ANACT, France
Welcome to the end of business as usual
Andy Mulholland, Global Chief Technology Officer, Capgemini, UK
LEAN in rolling stock maintenance
Kaare Tersböl,
Program Manager, DSB S-tog A/S, Denmark
2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The key factors behind the productivity and competitiveness in the Finnish paper industry
in Finland
Hannu Alalauri, Senior Vice President, HR, StoraEnso Oyj
Transformation and restructuring of a company from an airline to a lean investment firm. Lean management in enhancing the productivity in companies invested
Smari S. Sigurdsson,
Head of department, CFO, FL Group
Improving productivity through electronic data capture measurement
Nyaradzo Muguti,
Project Facilitator, Grimsby Institute, UK |
2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Fading of mechanical productivity enchants the need of new business models
Markku Penttinen, Arto Rummukainen, Simo Tikikoski
Agile, craetive and effective Europe - is it a dream?
Sari Baldauf, M.Sc. (econ.)
Productivity - the high road to wealth
Peter Rehnström, President, EANPC
Leadership and productivity - Jack Welch`s productivity triumph
Mustafa Said Karaman
Strategic human resource management and performance information in bounderies
Terttu Pakarinen
Feelings of joy or failure - Experiences of self-efficacy in work settings
Liisa Myyry, Tuija Hytönen
a study of the time lagged relationship between intellectual capital investments and productivity
Jaani Väisänenm Paula Kujansivu, Antii Lönnqvist
The employees as a source of external business information
Vilma Vuori
Recess 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Labour market organisations as developers of productivity at national
Mikko Mäenpää, President, STTK, The Finnish Confederation
of Salaried Employees
Risto Piekka, President, AKAVA, The Confederation
of Unions for Academic Professionals in Finland
Risto Suominen,
Deputy Managing Director, Federation of Finnish Enterprises
Ekuri, Director General, Commission for Local Authority Employers
Santamäki-Vuori, President, JHL, The Trade Union for the Public
and Welfare Sectors
Examples of co-operation between industrial associations in the improvement of productivity
Erkki Vuorenmaa,
President, Finnish Metalworkers’ Union
Martti Mäenpää,
Director General, Technology Industries of Finland |
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Improved results with supply chain management
Timo Heikkilä,
Deputy Managing Director, PR Logisticar Oy
The customer’s productivity from the viewpoint of the financier
Kari Villikka, Vice President, Finnvera Oyj
Heikki Vittanen, First Vice President, Nordea Oyj
Global concerns’ productivity requirements for companies and consultants
Esa Vataja, Production
Director, Hartwall Ltd
Heikki Sirelius, Director, JTO School of Management |
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Improving productivity through work-based learning
Lynton Perry, Director, Grimsby Institute, UK
Why is Sisu Diesel growing?
Eero Tomi, Managing Director, Sisu Diesel
Continuous productivity improvement at Metso - Case recycling business
Jorma Eloranta, President and CEO, Metso Corporation |
4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Framework for improving manufacturing system performance in Finnish mechanical engineering industry
Mikko Koho, Seppo Torvinen
Lean thinking in product development
Ole-christian Bjarno
Costs of occupational accidents - Effects of occupational safety on company business
Markku Aaltonen, Kimmo Oinonen, Jari-Pekka Kitinoja,
Jorma Saari, Mika Tynkkynen, Henriikka Virta
Networks between Finnish construction and service companies in the lifecycle of buildings
Teemu Surakka
Trust, identity and effectiveness in virtual organisations
Marko Hakonen, Jukka Lipponen, Matti Vartiainen, Niina Kokko
Studying the relationship between indoor air and productivity: theoretical discussion and empirical experiences
Riikka Antikainen, Sanna Lappalainen,
Antii Lönnqvist, Kati Maksimainen, Kari Reijula, Erkki Uusi-Rauva
9 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.
Eric J. Bartelsman, Professor,
The Netherlands
Martti af Heurlin, Deputy Director
General, TEKES (The Finnish Funding
Agency for Technology and Innovation)
Lucy Fallon-Byrne, Ireland
Director, NCPP, Ireland
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Labour market regulation and European venture capital investment
William Kerr, Professor, Harvard University
The Danish competitiveness model
Nils Westergard-Nielssen,
Professor, Denmark
A commentary on global models
Mika Maliranta, Head of
Unit, ETLA, The Research Institute of the Finnish economy |
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
ICT and productivity: Changes and new methodologies needed at the level of work oragnisation within European industry in answering the challenges of productivity
Markku Markkula, Director, Helsinki University of Technology Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli
New possibilities for co-operation, the Komárom Industrial Park
Kim Seitz, Managing Director, the Komárom Industrial Park, Hungary
Developing the ordering and delivery process, added value for the
Jouni Juuti,
Consultant, Oy Swot Consulting Finland Ltd
The Irish model for developing competitivness
Lucy Fallon-Byrne, Director, NCPP, Ireland |
9:40 a.m. to 10.40 a.m
Lucy Fallon-Byrne, Director, NCCP, Irlanti
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Trio – the development of international business
Pasi Pitkänen,
Development Manager, Pivatic Oy
Modern technology in the transfer of tacit knowledge
Antti Zitting,
Managing Director, Sacotec Components
Advanced Resources Planning at AtlasCopco
Kris Lieckens, Ph.D., University
of Antwerp, Atlas Copco |
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Has cross-border merger affected well-being at work? A follow-up case from banking industry
Miruna Rusu, Asko Miettinen, Anita Varjonen
Well-Being at Work
Kirsti Launis
Do immigrants have more accidents than Finnish workers?
Simo Salminen, Maarit Vartia, Terhi Giorgiani
Measuring effects of ethical operations
Jerzy Donarski
Productivity: Theory and measurement in business
Seppo Saari
How to communicate target information in SMEs?
Juhani Ukko, Jussi Karhu, Hannu Rantanen |
Lunch 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
The costs incurred by poor working conditions
Ernst A. P. Koningsveld, Eur. Erg., Senior Consultant, TNO, The Netherlands
Working conditions and productivity at company level
Heikki Laitinen, Doctor
of Technology, 3T Results Ltd.
The effect of ergonomics on productivity
Elina Parviainen, Final
Assembly and Packing Specialist, Nokia Corporation
The working environment and productivity
Lars-Mikael Bjurström,
Development Manager, Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health |
1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Alternative production methods for services, management systems and technology
a) The purchaser-producer model as part of strategic management
Kari Nenonen, Mayor, City of Oulu
b) The purchaser-producer method as a tool for municipal operations and financial management
Kari Karjalainen (fin.)
Mayor, City of Raisio
Service quality management and organisational development
a) A licence to act differently – an organisational reform on the customer’s terms
Anne Walden,
Director of Social Care, Municipality of Lapinlahti
Laulainen, Researcher, University of Kuopio
b) Effective services through comprehensive quality management
Asko Merilä,
Development Manager, Municipality of Utajärvi
Management, steering and productivity of municipal services in partnership and network co-operation
a) A production management model for social and health services produced
in a multi-actor environment
Pekka Utriainen, Director of Social and
Health Care Services
Sirkka Karhula, Manager
Jari Ohtonen (fin),
Project Manager, City of Jyväskylä
b) Comprehensive programme management - a change to increase effectiveness of the municipal development project
Sinikka Mikola,
Senior Adviser, The Association of Finnish Local and Regional
Authorities |
1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m
The importance of strategic partnership in a global competiton
Herve Garnier, Senior Vice President, EADS International, France
The importance of strategic partnership in a global competition
Seppo Seppälä,
Executive Vice President, Patria Oyj
Developing productivity in European industry
Uwe Combüchen, Secretary
General, CEEMET |
1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Productivity development at construction branch after the last recession
Terttu Vainio, Eero Nippala, Hannu Kauranen
Diffusion of new collaborative work environments and impacts on society: Towards a system of policy indicators
Karsten Gareis, Tobias Hüsing
Knowledge acquisition in new product development seen through the environmental scanning framework
Hanna Timonen
The meaning of results oriented pay and its effects on individual performance
Anu Hakonen,
Kiisa Hulkko-Nyman, Johanna Maaniemi
The effects of job and competence evaluation based pay systems on the gender pay gap in the Finnish public sector
Sini Jämsén
A follow up study of the effects of a profit sharing system: A case study
Christina Sweins |
Recess 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Claudio Zettel, Dr., Organization for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Patterns of raising productivity across Europe
Anthony Hubert,
Secretary General Emeritus, EANPC, UK
The role of the Shingo Prize in the development of the manufacturing industry
Carl Thor,
Jarrett & Thor
International, President, USA |
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Improving the productivity of Norwegian municipalities through networking and bench learning
John-Are Tharaldsen, Adviser, Productivity Network, The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
Regions and municipalities as promoters of the Lisbon strategy
Heichlinger, Project Leader, The EIPA – European Centre for
the Regions, Barcelona, Spain
The measurement of productivity in various types of provision of healthcare services
Isto Halinen, Sirpa Korhonen,
Senior Consultants, Efeko Ltd/ Finnish Consulting Group
The European strategy for promoting growth and employment.
The public sector’s role in implementing the strategy
Dr. Seppo Määttä,
Managing Director, TalentHaus Ltd. |
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Developing productivity in European industry
Peter Scherrer, Secretary General, EMF
Operational superiority through efficient production
Philip Rodrigo,
Vice President Production Operations, Outokumpu, Sheffield, UK
The comtetitivness of small and medium-sized enterprises
Josef Otulak, Consultant, Gateway Int. Eng. & Consultants GmbH, Germany
Harald Weiten, Dipl.Ing., Hauser Umwelt-Service GmbH & Co.KG, Germany
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Total rewards from an employee perspective
An Verbruggen, Xavier Baeten, Belgium
Informal communication conversations as a form of organizational communication
Minna Nylander
New coming of productivity research - Connections to management research and empirical findings
Jussi Okkonen
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The Tuotto+ development programme
Kurt Holmlund, Managing Director, Oy Ekonotek Ab
Sustainable production growth as challenge – the Finnish Workplace Developement Programme
Tuomo Alasoini,
Project Manager, Ministry of Labour
Improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs and employees in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany – strategies, support structures and results
Friedhelm Keuken, Dr., G.I.B., Germany
Globalization and structural change of the Emilia-Romagna district
Francesco Garibaldo,
Director of IpL, Italy |
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
The Tuotto+ development programme
Marjaana Ellfolk, CEO, United Laboratories Ltd.
Co-operation between management and staff
Kari Tuominen,
Consultant, Oy Benchmarking Ltd.
Searching for better productivity in travel industry and what it means in practise
Miia Porkkala,
Managing Director, Rukakeskus Oy |
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Tuotto+ and the further development project
Ilpo Karinen, Consultant, Oy Leinolat Ab
Tuotto+ and the further development project
Mika Lindfors, Managing
Director, Pajuniemi Oy
Safety Glass Ltd`s development project
Arto Korventausta,
Plant Manager, Tamglass Safety Glass Ltd. Oy |
9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Change management in pay systems implementation
Carita Lahti
The meaning of procedural justice in the performance appraisal process
Johanna Maaniemi, Anu Hakonen
Ownership, technology and X-Efficiency. An empirical examination of total factor productivity in conventional and labour-managed firms
Virginie Pérotin, UK and Fathi Fakhfakh, France
Recess 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Mauri Pekkarinen, Minister of Trade and Industry
Henk Thierry, Professor Emeritus, The Netherlands
Matti Lehti, President and CEO, TietoEnator
Frank Pot, Director, The Netherlands
