A few Commission Directorates-General worth visiting
1. Economic and Financial Affairs DG
To consult the full text of "European Economy: Supplement C. Economic
Reform Monitor - Economic situation and economic reform in the candidate
countries" (quarterly report on economic developments and the progress
of reform in the candidate countries) or the "joint assessments of medium-term
economic policy priorities" of the candidate countries:
2. Employment and Social Affairs DG
To access the DG's main fields of activity, such as industrial relations
& industrial change (social dialogue, labour law, work organistion, information
society, health and safety at work) and equal opportunities for men and
women, or to consult the Social Policy Agenda. Numerous documents are
to be found on the "Social dialogue" page
news, "European Social Dialogue" Newsletter, main joint texts, how to
respond to calls for proposals under budget headings B3-4000/4002/4003,
Commission Communication COM/1998/322 "Adapting and promoting the social
dialogue at Community level", and so on.
Key publications:
- "Social dialogue for success, the role of the social partners in EU
enlargement, the Warsaw conference, 18-19 March 1999": http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/soc-dial/social/index_en.htm
- "Report: Industrial relations in Europe 2000" (includes a section on
enlargement): http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/soc-dial/index_en.htm
- "The impact of Eastern enlargement on employment and labour markets
in the EU Member States": http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/employment_social/key_en.htm
- "Joint employment report 2000": http://europa.eu.int/comm/dgs/employment_social/key_en.htm
3. Enlargement DG
A site for information on: the state of play in the negotiations, screenings,
the pre-accession strategy, Europe Agreements, Accession Partnerships,
financial instruments (PHARE, ISPA [environment and transport], SAPARD
[agriculture]), key documents, speeches, press releases, Internet links,
general e-mail addresses for specific questions, etc. For any question:
provides a long list of contacts and details of the "PHARE and TACIS Information
- In the "Key documents" section (http://europa.eu.int/comm/enlargement/docs/index.htm),
the following may be consulted:
- "Reports on progress towards accession by each of the candidate countries"
(13/10/1999) (composite paper + 13 separate reports).
- "Accession Partnerships 1999" (February 2000).
- "Enlargement and civil society
- 1999 Conference proceedings", brochure, 64 p. (April 2000)
- "European Union enlargement, a historic opportunity", brochure, 47 p.
(October 1999).
- Communication on "Participation of candidate countries in Community
programmes, agencies and committees" (20/12/1999) (COM/1999/710): http://europa.eu.int/comm/enlargement/pas/phare/publications/ocp/com710_en.pdf
- "Enlargement Weekly" (weekly electronic newsletter): http://europa.eu.int/comm/enlargement/docs/weekly_arch.htm
The site of the EU's main programme for financial and technical cooperation
with the CEECs contains detailed information on: the history of enlargement,
activities, how to participate, partners, guidelines for implementation
of the PHARE programme in the candidate countries for the 2000-2006 period,
publications, etc.
5. TAIEX (Technical Assistance Information Exchange Office)
The site of the Technical Assistance Office run by the Enlargement DG
comprises data bases (but many of them require a password), a newsletter,