
Member: Turkey

NPC - National Productivity Center of Turkey - was founded in 1965 as a non-profit organization to contribute the Turkish economy to operate under productivity principles. NPC provides advisory and training support to all three parts of the economy (labor, employer, government) and monitors developments elsewhere regarding to productivity-improving methods and techniques. It has a staff of 167, the major part is technical, in the headquarters (Ankara) and four regional offices (Istanbul, Izmir, Gaziantep, Trabzon).

The functions of the Turkish NPC are:

  • to inquire into the methods capable to contribute to the development of the national economy in line with the productivity principles,
  • to carry out research on procedures to improve the productivity both in public and private sector enterprises, to monitor their implementation and to make recommendation thereon,
  • to obtain technical assistance in the field of productivity, to perform training, measuring and consultancy work,
  • to promote the knowledge and methods dealing with the productivity.

The above functions are conducted through the following six departments:

  • Research Department
  • Consultancy Department
  • Information Technologies and Data Processing Department
  • Training Department
  • Public Relations and Publication Department
  • Finance and Human Resources Department

NPC is currently involved in projects to render consultancy, counseling, productivity measurement and training especially to SMEs to improve their performance and productivity; to conduct research and surveys concerning industrial and economic structure of the provinces and their enterprises; to publicize and conduct promotion activities in relation to the concept of productivity and the Centre itself.

Mr. Kerim UNAL
(Secretary General)
Member of the Board of Directors

Gelibolu Sokak 5 Kavaklidere
06690 Ankara Turkey

Tel: +90 312 427 0782
Fax: +90 312 466 2042

e-mail: kunal@mpm.org.tr and ankara@mpm.org.tr
URL: http://www.mpm.org.tr/en